Monday, September 10, 2012

What I am Savoring Today

I am Savoring...

...the grin of my previous little baby boy
...that my husband came home this morning and suggested running errands with me before he goes to his second job.
... That I saw Titanic on blu-ray and picked it up, then noticed that my husband already spotted it and put one in the cart for me
...the cooler weather, which means it is almost Fall, y'all!
...the dorky onesies my husband buys for our son. He sported one today that said "potty like a rockstar"
...being able to ask God to dwell in me and then realizing He already is
...the upcoming trip to Myrtle Beach
...hugs from my husband. He works so much and sometimes I forget just how much I love hugging him.
...the talks my husband and I have while in the car. Let's be honest and say its mostly one sided and that I do all of the talking. But regardless, I love talking to him.
...emails from my mom!

It's a good day.

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