But despite it all, we had a nice weekend. First, I will upload a few pics from our recent trip to Indiana. Noah traveled in the car well for the 7 hour trip. He remained on schedule and adjusted much better than last time!
We saw all kinds of friends and family, and even managed to squeeze in some Christmas photos.

We also got to see Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Mark!! They treated me to my favorite meal: fettucini alfredo from Olive Garden. We had fun making Noah laugh and playing the family piano.
This is Noah with his friend, Maggie, at Mallow Run Winery. We listened to live music and let the kids play in the grass while munching on cheese and crackers.
And the Halloween pics:
Isn't he the cutest sock monkey you've ever seen?? We went trick or treating with residency friends then visited our favorite aunt Ashley.
So on to this weekend. Friday night I had my husband home (yay!) I was really in the mood for Olive Garden again so we had a family dinner date before heading to Toys R Us. (Oh, the life of parents...)

Saturday, Ashley and I hit the mall to eat breakfast with Santa. Santa was greeting kids at the Chick Fil A and was available for pictures. This is why I love Chick Fil A!!! They also had a balloon animal maker, handed out reindeer food, and gave out free kids' meals.

Thanks to Ashley for treating my little Noie so special.
Overall, I'm tired of always having that feeling of "needing to catch up"...I'm late on 10 month pics. My house is a disaster zone. And I'm just plain exhausted. I mean, I just blogged how many weeks worth of pics?!
I guess the exhaustion is warranted...
I'm pregnant!!!!! Yes, it's true. I don't know how far along yet, but the double lined first response rarely lies. I threw a baby shower for a friend this week that almost put me over the edge. The energy just isn't there. At first, I thought it was all the traveling. I've been taking Jet Alert (see a previous post!) because I'm so. so. so. tired.(don't worry, I've stopped since I've learned of the pregnancy.) There you have it: a baby has been sucking it right away from me. It's ok, I guess it needs it more than I do. Noah, however, isn't lacking on energy. He will be 1 1/2 when baby #2 arrives.
I'm very surprised that this happened so quickly...3 months of trying and I was supposed to get on Clomid for my "no cycles" nonsense. Ummmm, it took about 2 weeks of "not preventing"---HOW BLESSED AM I? I am so thankful and don't take this lightly because I know many couples who are trying desperately to conceive.
I'm going to BED!