So, back to the f-u-n.
Last week we visited Donnell Century Farms to pick out a pumpkin with the Lovells. It was enjoyable taking pics of my little guy and the pumpkins. The 4 adults donned plaid shirts and Noah wore a shirt with a pumpkin on it that I sewed. All that was missing was some fresh apple cider.
Our congestion cleared up just in time for a bout of nausea...Michael took a sick day (the first EVER) and we took turns on Noah duty, napping alternately. Strangely, all I wanted to eat that day was pizza. Which made me question Am I pregnant?! Nope! Just tired, bloated, and craving fatty foods. What's new? lol
I've continued spending a frustrating amount of time sewing. I spend all this time sewing things that are so adorable when I picture them, only to mess up, wasting time and money. But I'm getting better. I have renewed hope! I've been working on 12 month clothes and Noah's winter wardrobe. I sew the numbers for his monthly pictures. I have 2 quilts to back. Christmas gifts to make. It seems like I will get enough practice in the next few months, like it or not.
Speaking of Noah's monthly pictures, he turned 9 months old. His daddy was able to assist me with pictures so he is SMILING rather than crying like his 8 month pics! He is all over the place these days, making it so hard to get a good pic.
This week he started walking with a push walker!!! And saying "da da". Not really directed at Michael, but saying da da da da... Big week for him!
We've had a trip to Memphis to eat at Central with the Lovells and Ashley's parents. Went to the Medina Elementary Fall Festival to see the Lovells. We've had a successful yard sale (also with the's a Wilkerson/Lovell post, I guess!).
I am still reading Grace Based Parenting and l-o-v-e it. I adore my son more than I could ever put into words. And this book is really encouraging me to be the best Mom that he deserves.
I honestly can't remember anything else that's happened lately....ya know, the usual grocery shopping, Target run, and so on. I've spent time with my friend Amy. I started ordering Christmas presents and preparing for the holidays. Just the same ol' same ol' here!
This week I have been thinking about doing so much more than what I am actually doing. And I'm thinking about how that needs to change. When will the thoughts become reality? I'm dealing a lot with feeling unproductive because I don't keep up with my house the way I did pre-baby, etc. My energy is almost non-existant and unfortunately I despise coffee. I know that my only job is to take care of Noah...and he requires eyes on him at. all. times. He's not an independent player and when he is, he is sticking his fingers in light sockets and eating our mail. So, really, it seems that my time to be productive is after his bedtime. But usually I just want to veg out on the couch then go to bed early. And by vegging on the couch, I mean catch up on Real Housewives. Anyways, enough of my thoughts...Enjoy the pics!

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